Finding Hope

There are no words that can take the sting out of the financial and emotional hits we have experienced these past couple of weeks. Even someone with an imagination greater than author J.K. Rowling would be challenged to find a silver lining in the dark cloud currently suspended over us all. In this moment, there is a personal story worth sharing that hopefully provides some sort of a lighthouse beacon for us to follow in these days to come.

Yesterday afternoon, I left the STA office and did something that normally makes me very happy, deposit a sponsorship check into the STA bank account. But yesterday, it was different. With the markets in turmoil, there was no bounce in my step; only somberness that bordered on self-pity.

While I was standing on the corner waiting for the light to change, I noticed a man to my left who had just walked out of a deli. He handed a homeless person a brown bag containing a sandwich and then proceeded to have a respectful conversation. He was a Wall Street person (not the homeless guy, the other guy). He was alone and therefore, not trying to impress anyone. It wasn’t until he got closer to me that I realized he was a former boss of mine. One of my favorites, in fact. We chatted for a few minutes and then went our separate ways; he, much happier after having felt the grace of helping someone in need.

We chatted for a few minutes and then went our separate ways; he, much happier after having felt the grace of helping someone in need.

You don’t have be Nostradamus to know that we have some difficult times ahead. And while it might be tempting to get swept up in all of the media and constant frenzy circling around us, remember that this is a temporary situation and together, we will endure. Keeping a positive attitude built on a foundation of hope is a must. 

Hope does not lie in a rate cut or a stimulus package. Hope will come from unselfish acts: caring for family and friends; supporting co-workers and colleagues; random acts of kindness towards strangers. So as we bunker down in our homes, supplied with a year’s worth of snacks and toiletries, be aware of those around you and look to help where you can.

On behalf of all STA Members, we wish you and your families a safe and happy weekend.

Special thanks to Paul G., a true leader.