Congress and the SEC: Market Structure Crossroads

On Thursday, June 22, two House Financial Services Subcommittees held hearings on oversight of the SEC. Using these hearings as a partial backdrop, we identify a few equity market structure rule proposals that will have major implications for broker dealers and investors, both self-directed and institutional.

Jesse Forster
Head of Equity Market Structure & Technology
Coalition Greenwich

In this Open Call, we discuss:
The SEC’s no-action letter on MiFID II requirements that excludes broker dealers from the definition of investment advisor for compensation of certain research services is set to expire July 3, 2023

The industry’s move towards T+1 settlement

The SEC’s Equity Market Structure Proposals: Order Competition Rule & Rule 605

Anticipated October release of SEC regulations on the use of new technologies by broker dealers and associated conflicts of interests
Open Call Index
Opening Remarks: 00:00
Q#1: SEC No-Action Letter on MiFID: 03:25
Q#2: Industry Update on T+1 Settlement: 12:40
Q#3: Equity Market Structure Proposals: 18:00
Q#4: Anticipate SEC Regulation on new technologies: 23:45