A New Year is Upon Us

by Jim Toes

Jim Toes

In Greek mythology Sisyphus was a king of Ephyra punished by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever. In our industry, empathy for Sisyphus is felt by all of us in January as we begin to push our individual rocks and begin a new year. We hope that as you plan your 2014 career objectives that you look to the STA as a resource. We have put in several changes in how we communicate with you-our member- and how we organize your feedback in providing input on issues which affect our industry. Three of the more pronounced changes are listed below, but please know these are not the last you’ll see from us in 2014. We remain committed to serving you, our member.

Monthly Newsletter – Today, STA’s Monthly Newsletter goes out to over 18,000 individuals, up from 6,500 year over year. In addition to the new layout, we have added two columns which we’re confident will help STA to continue its growth rate of 1,000 new subscribers per month.
• “Taking Stock” – which will feature articles we hope will improve your work environment and overall state of well being.
•  Affiliate Calendar – which features all the charity and educational events STA affiliates organize throughout the year. These events provide ideal opportunities to visit customers in an intimate venue.

to date we have organized over 80 industry professionals to serve on STA’s core committees; one of which is the Market Structure Analysts Committee.

2014 Committee Structure – We are a few weeks away from putting the final touches on our 2014 Committees, but to date we have organized over 80 industry professionals to serve on STA’s core committees; one of which is the Market Structure Analysts Committee. This Committee is staffed with publishing analysts who will assist STA by providing executive summaries on issues which will then be used in our educational programs and comment letters. The remaining three committees, along with their members, will be announced soon.

Washington DC Conference – While the October 2014 Conference is nine months away, we have already begun work to ensure it is even better than last year’s. We’ve secured former SEC Commissioner Troy Paredes, along with Richard Repetto, Sandler O’Neill to participate in what will undoubtedly be an outstanding program that you’ve come to expect from us.

On behalf of the entire STA Board of Governors we wish you a healthy and successful 2014.