Open Call: The State of Private Markets

The private markets continue to evolve, creating opportunities for managers, investors and companies. This open call focused on four main areas. First, we discussed the infrastructure of private markets compared to the equity public markets with a focus on transactions. Next, we addressed the exponential growth in size of the private markets today, along with some of the contributing factors for that growth. Finally, we went over some predictions on the private markets for 2023.  


Dan Sanders

Executive Vice President

Head of Private Markets


Open Call Index

Opening Remarks: 00:00

Q#1:Private Market Infrastructure 02:00

Q#2: Size of the Private Markets 07:05

Q#3: Contributing Factors 11:30

Q#4: What are the Big-Banks Doing 15:15

Q#5: Correlation b/w Private & Public Mkts 27:10

Q#6: Outlook for 2023 25:15