All Things ATSs: Stephen Berte, BIDS Trading

Through innovation and competition, Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) continue to disrupt the equity trading markets. According to FINRA data, more than 70 billion shares of NMS securities, traded on a quarterly basis in 2023 on the more than 30 ATSs that operate today.

With the desire for liquidity and automation always present in the marketplace, we’re presenting a multi-part series with key players in the ATS space to educate industry participants and raising awareness on industry trends.

Episode 1: General Landscape and 2024 Outlook
With Presenter

Stephen Berte
BIDS Trading

Open Call Index:

Opening Remarks and STA Update – 00:00 mark

Q#1: Notable Developments in 2023 – 03:20 mark

Q#2: Use of ATSs and Inaccessible Liquidity – 05:00 mark

Q#3: Looking Ahead to 2024 – 10:00 mark

Q#4: Single Dealer Platforms/Retail/IOI’s – 12:00 mark

Q#5: Cross Border Trading – 17:20 mark