The U.S.-Canada Relationship: A Lasting Peace

By Jim Hyde, NYSE
2024 STA Chair

I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the Canadian STA for hosting a successful 2024 conference here in beautiful Quebec. I am grateful to John Christofilos and the CSTA Board for the invitation and opportunity to speak today on the state of STA.Before I provide an update, I’d like to share some reflections that have come to mind since arriving in this incredible city, so rich in history and culture.

We live in a world marked by conflict, much of it in between neighboring countries. Like many of you, I sometimes take for granted the peace that has always existed between our nations, as well as the prosperity we enjoy. Americans and Canadians not only share a border but respect each other’s sovereignty and genuinely enjoy each other’s company.

Yes, there are moments when we question each others’s actions or behaviors, but we are truly fortunate that any disputes we have are confined to hockey rinks and Olympic competitions.

I also believe that our industry plays a contributing role in maintaining this lasting peace and prosperity. Yes, we compete, but we also form partnerships and even friendships. Through these relationships, we make the everyday lives of our countrymen and women a little bit easier, safer and more prosperous. We should take pride in and appreciate the unique relationship our nations share and the contributions we make, as both individuals and as an industry.

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