STA Political Action Committee


The STA Political Action Committee, STAPAC, is a major component of STA’s Washington DC strategy. Formed in 1997, STAPAC is registered with the Federal Election Commission. Its purpose is to support candidates for federal office who share STA’s values and beliefs. STA has long felt that it is important for our industry to have members of Congress who are supportive of markets structured on the basis of economic forces and competition rather than government intervention.

Under the law, individuals can contribute up to $5,000 per year to STAPAC and STAPAC, in turn, can contribute up to $5,000 per candidate. Annual contributions exceeding $200 will be disclosed to the Federal Election Commission as required by law.

STA needs an active PAC in order to create an environment in which we can best meet our goals. Public policy affects many aspects of the securities industry. STAPAC is an ongoing effort by which we build relationships, open dialogues and are more actively involved in the development of laws as they are being written, rather than reacting after the fact.

Under applicable law, the amounts that may be contributed to and by a PAC are limited, and steps must be taken to ensure that contributions to the PAC are strictly voluntary and without coercion.

For further information about STAPAC, please email We welcome your comments and suggestions.

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